Relevant places in SNAP: Where has sceneRasterTransform been used? Where is it necessary to transform from localModelCRS to SceneCRS? - InsertPlacemarkInteractor - InsertRectangularFigureInteractor - SimpleFeatureFigureFactory - SimpleFeaturePointFigure - SimpleFeatureshapeFigure - SlstrLevel1ProductFactory - AbstractPlacemarkTableModel - VectorDataLayer Potentially important places: - BandArithmetic / Mask Manager - Correlative Plot / Profile Plot / Scatter Plot - PlacemarkView: What shall be displayed? - LayerManager - Navigation - PixelInfoView - Spectrum View / Magic Wand - Operators - World Map / Worldwind - Create Filtered Band - Create Geo-Coding Displacement Bands - Attach Pixel Geo-Coding - Compute Mask Area - Pixel Extraction - Reprojection / Orthorectification - Subset / Flipping - Binning - Mosaicing - Collocation - Range Finder - Graticule Layer