Versions Compared


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  • Java IDE, e.g. IntelliJ IDEA
  • Python IDE, e.g. PyCharm
  • JDK 811
  • Maven 3

Java single module extension


  • Path to JAR: <snap-app>/snap/modules/ext/org.esa.snap.snap-rcp/org-esa-snap/snap-main.jar
  • VM options: -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.nopixfmt=true -Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false -Dorg.netbeans.level=INFO -Xmx4G
  • Program arguments: --clusters "<my-module>/target/nbm/netbeans/<clusterName>" --patches "<my-module>/$/target/classes" --userdir "<my-module>/target/userdir"
  • Working directory: <snap-app>

The variable <clusterName> depends on the configuration of the nbm-maven-plugin in your <my-module>/pom.xml file. The configuration property cluster defines the name of the cluster. The default value is extra (i.e replace <clusterName> with extra). For multi-module projects let --clusters option point to the aggregation directory:

  • Program arguments: --clusters "<my-module>/target/netbeans_clusters/<clusterName>" --patches "<my-module>/$/target/classes" --userdir "<my-module>/target/userdir"

Debugging and Running with GPT of SNAP Engine

If you want to debug, run and test a processor extension (GPF operator) without the GUI but using the SNAP gpt command-line tool, create a new configuration of type JAR Application (since version 14) and give it a name, e.g. SNAP GPT. Again, make sure to set the path of <snap-app> depending on whether you are using a checked-out version of SNAP from or an installed SNAP:

  • Path to JAR: <snap-app>/snap/modules/ext/org.esa.snap.snap-core/org-esa-snap/snap-runtime.jar
  • VM options:  -Dsnap.mainClass=org.esa.snap.core.gpf.main.GPT -Dsnap.extraClusters=<my-module>/target/nbm/netbeans/<clusterName> -Dsnap.log.level=ALL -Xmx4GXmx10G
  • Program arguments: <my-operator> ... (any GPT options and operator parameters here)
  • Working directory: <snap-app>

NetBeans IDE

Select File/Open Project and select the directory <my-module> which contains your project's pom.xml file. Build the project using Run/Build Project or use the toolbar button. In the Projects tool window, double-click Project Files/settings.xml (points to ~/.m2/settings.xml) and make sure it contains a profile defining a property netbeans.installation whose value points to the value of <snap-app>:

Code Block
                <netbeans.installation>Put the value of ${snap-app} in here</netbeans.installation>

Save the settings.xml file. A new entry netbeans-snap will appear in the Run Configuration drop-down list in the NetBeans toolbar and select the Run Project toolbar button next to it. 

Eclipse IDE
