In-Situ Client Tool

In-Situ Client Tool


Possible applications can be performed with the in-situ data

  1. Matchup Processing
  2. Pixel Extraction
  3. Pins + Features
  4. Transects
  5. Timeseries of EO Data
  6. Store to external file

Not all applications can be implemented in the first version of the demonstrator. For now we implement on the applications (3) an (6). The user can choose if the in-situ data shall be stored to all selected products or if the data shall be saved to an external csv file.

Discussion about Mock-Up (19.02.2016)

The above mock-up has been discussed on Feb 19th 2016.

Ideas to be implemented now

  • A product list shall be added where a user can select the products which shall define the default values for the time range and the spatial extend. These values shall be still editable by the user to further extend the time and/or spatial domain
  • Downloading in-situ data shall be possible without having any product
  • The user shall have means to indicate if the data shall be interpreted as track/transect or as point (Feature/Pin)
  • The preview table is not necessary. It is sufficient to show justthe total count of observation matching the query
  • Campaign shall be renamed to Dataset in the GUI
  • Maybe add checkbox to retrieve data without time and spatial filtering

Ideas for later development

  • Specify period of year JAN, FEB, MAR,...NOV,DEC
  • Specify time along with ±delta
  • Specify lat, lon with ±delta
  • List of parameter can be long it shall be search and filterable.
  • A pattern detection shall allow to group paramerts. E.g. es_412, es_510 → es_###
  • Server shall provide more metadata. time range and BBox for a campaign
  • Server and client shall allow that a user can log-in with his account credentails.