RESTful API Overview

RESTful API Overview

The in-situ database is accesible via the following base URL: http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v3/

API Overview


no parameters:  lists all available parameters with their name, type, unit, description

lon_min: minimum longitude of spatial region
lon_max: maximum longitude of spatial region
lat_min: minimum latitude of spatial region
lat_max: maximum latitude of spatial region
start_date: first date of time range
stop_date: last date of time range
campaign: coma separated list of campaign names which shall be considered


no parameters: lists all available campaigns

param: parameter name list
lon_min: minimum longitude of spatial region
lon_max: maximum longitude of spatial region
lat_min: minimum latitude of spatial region
lat_max: maximum latitude of spatial region
start_date: first date of time range
stop_date: last date of time range


no parameters: lists all available observations

param: parameter name list
lon_min: minimum longitude of spatial region
lon_max: maximum longitude of spatial region
lat_min: minimum latitude of spatial region
lat_max: maximum latitude of spatial region
start_date: first date of time range
stop_date: last date of time range
campaign: coma separated list of campaign names which shall be considered
shift: number of observations the result shall be shifted
limit: the maximum number of observations returned
count_only: only the number of observations which would be returned by this request shall be included in the response and not the observations themselves




A basic query without parameters in url returns all parameters without filtering: http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/parameters

You can filter the query by sending variables in the url like geographical values (lon_min,lon_max,lat_min,lat_max), date (start_date,stop_date) or the campaign (campaign): http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/parameters?lon_min=20.5&lon_max=80.9&lat_min=3.2&lat_max=9.7&start_date=2003-09-01&stop_date=2003-09-24&campaign=BOUSSOLE

Only with date:


A basic query without parameters in url returns all campaigns without filtering: http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/campaigns

Filtering by ROI (lon_min,lon_max,lat_min,lat_max), date (start_date,stop_date) or parameters(param): http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/campaigns?lon_min=20.5&lon_max=80.9&lat_min=3.2&lat_max=9.7&start_date=2003-09-01&stop_date=2003-09-24&param=es_412,es_443,es_510,kd_683

Filtering by date:


A basic query without parameters in url returns all the observations without filtering: http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/observations

Filtering by parameter: http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/observations?param=es_412,es_443

Filtering by geographical ROI variables (lon_min,lon_max,lat_min,lat_max) and date variables (start_date,stop_date): http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/observations?param=es_412,es_443,es_510&lon_min=20.5&lon_max=80.9&lat_min=3.2&lat_max=9.7&start_date=2003-09-01&stop_date=2003-09-24

Filtering only with date and time: http://mermaid.acri.fr/s3tbx/v1/observations?start_date=2003-09-01%2015:20:11&stop_date=2003-09-23%2010:15:36

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