SNAP Configuration
SNAP Desktop configuration
The way SNAP Desktop is configured is mainly driven by the NetBeans platform.
On Windows, the SNAP Desktop configuration is stored in the %HOMEPATH%/AppData/Roaming/SNAP
directory. On other platform (Unixes), it is $HOME/.snap/system
This directory may contain the following sub-directories:
- NetBeans Platform application configurationconfig
- SNAP Desktop user preferences and UI configurationsvar/log
- SNAP Desktop log filesvar/cache
- NetBeans Platform cache filesmodules
- SNAP extension module installations and updates (JARs)
SNAP Engine configuration
SNAP configuration is stored in Java properties files with the ending .properties
. SNAP configuration parameter names usually start with snap.
and can be set via Java system properties, the ${snap.home}/etc/
file, or the .snap/etc/
file in %HOMEPATH%/
(Windows) or $HOME/
(Unixes). The SNAP configuration is programmatically accessed using the org.esa.snap.runtime.Config
Key | Value | Format | Default | Description | Perf | Scope |
| String | path | . | SNAP installation directory. API: Config.instance().installDir(), SystemUtils.getApplicationHomeDir() | All modules |
| |
| String | path | ${user.dir}/.snap | SNAP user directory which contains per-user application data (configuration, preferences, cache, GUI state, etc). See also How to move .snap directory to a different location. API: Config.instance().userDir(), SystemUtils.getApplicationDataDir() | All modules |
| |
| String | any | org.esa.snap | API: Config.instance().logger(), SystemUtils.LOG | All modules |
| |
| String |
| API: Config.instance().logger(), SystemUtils.LOG | All modules |
| |
| String | path | python | Points to the CPython interpreter executable to be used with SNAP. Used from Java (by the org.esa.snap.python.PyBridge class) in order to configure the Python VM which will be used to execute SNAP Python extensions. | snap-python |
| |
| String | path | ${snap.userdir}/snap-python | Directory where the CPython VM (see snap.pythonExecutable key) finds the Python module snappy. Used to execute SNAP Python extensions that require to call back into the SNAP Java API. | snap-python |
| |
| Boolean |
| If set to true, SNAP will always reconfigure the CPython (org.esa.snap.python.PyBridge class) before it is used. | snap-python |
| |
| String | path {: path} (Unixes) path {; path} (Windows) | Extra directories to scan for CPython extensions. Currently only Operator plugins are possible, therefore sub-directories must contain a file META-INF/services/org.esa.snap.python.gpf.PyOperator to be recognised as plugins. | snap-python |
| ||
| Integer | size in pixel | 512 | The default size in width and hight direction of a JAI tile. |
snap.jai.tileCacheSize | Integer | Size in Megabytes | 1024 | The amount of memory JAi can use for caching tiles | yes | All |
snap.jai.prefetchTiles | Boolean |
| If it is known that tiles are soon needed they can be prefetched before actually acquired. | yes | All |
| String | path {: path} (Unixes) path {; path} (Windows) | Extra directories to scan for Python extensions. Sub-directories must contain a file META-INF/services/org.esa.snap.jython.PluginActivator to be recognised as plugins. | snap-jython |
| ||
| String |
| yes | snap-gpf |
| |
| Boolean |
| yes | snap-gpf |
| |
| Boolean |
| yes | snap-gpf |
| |
| String | class name |
| Implementation of a For example: | snap-gpf |
| |
| Boolean |
| If enabled GPF will make a beep when processing is finished. | snap-gpf |
| |
| Boolean |
| Disables the access of external auxiliary data over the internet. | snap-gpf |
| |
| Integer | 1...n | number of CPU cores | yes | snap-core |
| |
| String | path {: path} (Unixes) path {; path} (Windows) | Used for SNAP Engine stand-alone (command-line) tools, such as GPT. It's value is a list of extra NetBeans clusters whose JAR modules are added to the application's classpath. | snap-runtime |
| ||
| String | any | SNAP | snap-core |
| ||
| String | URL | | snap-core |
| ||
| true | false | false | yes (Dev) | snap-core | |
| Boolean |
| yes (Dev) | snap-core |
| |
| Boolean |
| If set to true, the inverse TiePointGeocoding uses polynomial approximates of higher order to achieve minimal interpolation errors, if set to false, approximations with an RMSE of a quarter pixel are assumed to be sufficiently precise | yes | snap-core |
| Boolean |
| snap-core |
| ||
| Integer | 1...n | Default tile width | yes (Dev) | snap-core |
| |
| Integer | 1...n | Default tile height | yes (Dev) | snap-core |
| |
| Integer | 1...n | 100 |
| |||
| Integer | 1...n | Prefererred tile size | Height of a source slice to be processed in pixels | yes | snap-binning |
| String | lat,lon | Bin tracing | snap-binning |
| ||
| String | path |