Processing Preview Specification

Processing Preview Specification

Target release2.0.0
Epic SIITBX-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document statusDRAFT
Document owner

Nicolas Ducoin (Unlicensed)

DesignerNicolas Ducoin (Unlicensed)
DevelopersNicolas Ducoin (Unlicensed)


Run a processing in reduced resolution / on a subset of the product in order to quickly check whether a processing-chain produces the desired results.


The process to preview will be using the lower resolution recomputed pyramid layers from the Toolbox. This means the processor will have to take this layer as an input.



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes
1Processing previewBefore performing a full processing, is is possible to generate a processing preview from the highest image pyramid / a subset of the product (one of these, to be discussed).

The processing preview is applying exactly the same processing parameters as on the overall data. The user can receive feedback or error messages and adjust processing parameters.

Must have


2Preview contextIt is possible to generate the processing preview from the graph builder or individual operator if available.Must have 
3Saving the previewThe preview is generated on demand. Once generated, it is saved with the product.Could have 

User interaction and design

TODO: add prototype screenshot


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Not Doing

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