Update of SNAP default installation directory

Update of SNAP default installation directory

Due to conflicts with the Ubuntu package manager “snap” we have decided to change the default installation directory for SNAP from “snap” to “esa-snap”. This way we avoid that both applications write to the same directory.

Does this affect me?

When you are

  • Running on Windows or MacOS: no!

  • Running on Linux and not using “snap/snapd”: no!

  • Running on Ubuntu and using a custom installation path (i.e. not the default suggested by the installer): no!

This update is only important for users running Ubuntu version >= 16.04 which actively use the package manager “snap” and installed SNAP 9.x using the installer default installation target.

What do I need to do?

When you are not affected: nothing!

When you are affected:

The SNAP 9.x uninstaller deletes the directory “snap” and therefore also all content stored by the package manager. We suggest that you manually un-install SNAP 9.x before installing SNAP 10. Before running the SNAP 9.x uninstaller, you should save the “snap” package manager data in the SNAP 9.x installation directory and restore these after the update.

Step by step:

  1. Identify the SNAP 9.x content. SNAP stores the following directories/files in the installation directory, optional modules in braces:
    bin, etc, ide, jre, LICENSE.TXT, platform, (probavbox), (rstb), (s1tbx), (s2tbx), (s3tbx), (smos), snap, THIRDPARTY_LICENSES.txt, VERSION.txt

  2. All other files in the installation directory do not belong to SNAP. Please copy/move these to another (temporary) directory.

  3. Run the uninstaller for SNAP 9.x. This will delete the directory “snap”.

  4. Re-create the directory “snap” and re-store all data that has been copied in step 2

  5. Run the SNAP 10 or SNAP 11 installer.

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