User Preferences Specification

User Preferences Specification

Target release2.0
Epic SNAP-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS
Document statusDRAFT
Document owner

Thomas Storm



Find a specification for a way to deal with the user preferences in SNAP.

User interaction and design

We will need to clarify how to best present the user preferences to the user. The NetBeans preferences window is the natural choice for that, but still it needs to be discussed which items are migrated from BEAM VISAT, which items shall newly be introduced, and which items already offered by NetBeans shall be dropped.

Suggestion for migration from BEAM VISAT:

  1. Move UI Behavior to new tab under Appearance
  2. The preferences under the BEAM UI Appearence tab is already covered by Appearance->Look and Feel and Miscelleaneous->Output in NetBeans, so no action required
  3. Module Repository: TBD if needed; anyway, Proxy settings can be set in General-tab offered by NetBeans already
  4. Merge Product Settings and Geo-location Display (considering that the product settings only handle a single geo-location-related setting), put under tab Geo-location under Miscelleaneous
  5. Data Input/Output: move to new tab under Miscellaneous; since there are actually only output-related settings, name that tab Write Options
  6. Add new primary panel Layer Properties that reflects Layer Properties list in VISAT preferences; name the first sub-tab General
  7. Move RGB-Image Profiles to new tab
  8. Move Logging to new tab


See Preferences System Migration.


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

Since module handling in NetBeans will be different from how it is done in BEAM: do we still need offer the user the possibility to specify the module repository URL?


The log-level property in VISAT is read-only. Shall it be kept like that? 
The behavior is a bit strange: when I select "Log extra debugging information", the log level changes to "DEBUG"; when I unselect it, the log level changes to "INFO", no matter what the original value was. I guess that is a bug. 
Is the suggestion acceptable?