Test Case Descriptions
Test Case Descriptions
We consider the mult-size products specification as successfully implemented if the test cases described in this page are performed successfully.
Create text fixtures from following variations:
- GeoCoding type: CrsGeoCoding, TiePoint/PixelGeoCoding
- Single GeoCoding per product and multiple per band
- All bands same size and bands with different sizes
- Use masks derived from existing bands (and masks)
- Use bands with and w/o no-data values, valid-pixel expressions
- Same size but different spatial resolution (optional)
- Spatial extents of two or more bands are congruent, non-congruent or even non-overlapping (optional)
- Computation by an operator via computeTile and computeTileStack
Various test cases shall assert that
- each product variation has an expected model CRS
- image pixel positions are correctly transformed into model coordinates and vice versa for various bands
- simple raster data ops lead to expected results when applied to product variations: subset (mandatory), reprojection (mandatory), band maths (optional), statistics (optional)
- pixel data extraction as used in spectrum view for various bands in various products
- all bands with same raster size have the same image layout (= same image pyramid models with same tile sizes)
- the valid-mask of bands (if any) has the same image layout (= same image pyramid models with same tile sizes) as the band
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