Intended resampling of S2 view angles

Intended resampling of S2 view angles

Because of the discontinuity of the angles when the detector changes, the result of the resampling of the azimuth angle bands is not good from the physics point of view, since it blurs the border between detectors when we use a bilinear method. It is needed a new processor to carry out the resampling of these bands in a ‘special’ way.

Our proposal is to take as input not only the angles bands but also the detector footprints. By using the footprints, it will be possible to ‘isolate’ the angles of each detector and interpolate them without using the angle information of the adjacent detectors (which causes the blurring). In the pixels closest to the border detector-detector, it will be necessary to extrapolate the data since not all data is available to carry out the interpolation with bilinear method. Finally, the angles will be joined again:

With this procedure, we still have a limitation: the detector footprints overlap so we have to choose in some pixels which detector we select, but this will be fixed in the future when the detector footprint in the products will be modified to not overlap.

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